The Recall: Powerful Tool of the Second Degree


Utilizing Useful Elements of the Past in the Here and Now with the Second Reiki Degree



In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno


«Reiki is the Dimension of Feeling. Only through pure feeling can we grasp the true spirit of individuals like Jesus or Buddha. In feeling, the divine, the transcendent, which is present in every small aspect of nature, is revealed, and it is also present in each of us. The heart is the instrument that gives voice to feeling. "And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.»

(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)







«During a Reiki treatment, you can creatively and strategically use elements from your past that can positively influence the therapeutic process on an energetic level.

When treating a person with Reiki, you can, depending on the needs of the recipient and your intuitions, mentally and emotionally evoke particularly positive and joyful situations from your own past—or sensations that are strategically useful for the healing process—and transmit these vibrationally to the recipient.


In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno



Concrete example Nr. 1


For instance, if you are treating a person with depression, you might recall a particularly happy moment from your life and involve all five senses intensely: if you remember a time when you joyfully ran in the rain, you could evoke the smell of the rain, the feeling of the droplets on your skin, and so forth.

The more the five senses are involved in the recall, the more powerful and effective it becomes. If you manage to focus sharply and vividly on your memory and include every fiber of your being, you can perform a kind of effective energetic download, meaning you can transmit the intense vibrations of happiness directly to the recipient, silently. The recipient will then be inundated with authentic vibrations of optimism, joy, and positivity.


In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno



Concrete example Nr. 2


If you want to warm up a person suffering from hypothermia, in addition to blankets or other available means, you could project the sensation of summer sunshine warming your skin or the pleasant warmth generated by burning wood in a fireplace, if you are familiar with these sensations from your own experience.


In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno



Concrete example Nr. 3


If you are treating a person with a severe ankle sprain, with significant pain, swelling, and fluid accumulation, you could add balancing and anti-inflammatory energy through strategically formulated intentions, suitable creative visualizations, as well as SEI HEKI and CHOKU REI.

Using recall, you might access a memory from your youth, where, at the age of 20, you joyfully ran across a meadow in spring, in your best physical condition, feeling the harmony, health, and strength released with each step. When your entire being is imbued with these suitable vibrations, you can transfer them as information through your hands to the recipient.

There are no limits to the creative possibilities you can employ.»

(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)


Calendar of Reiki and Shamanism Seminars in Dolo,
between Padova, Vicenza, Rovigo, Venezia, Treviso, and Verona



Dario Canil e il Centro Olistico Tolteca chiariscono cosa è il Reiki. Metodo di pratica energetica, disciplina orientale. Una energia meravigliosa





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Original version of this page in italian:
la Rievocazione, un potente strumento del Reiki di Secondo Livello





Reiki Info, il sito dell'informazione sobra e completa sul Metodo Reiki, a cura di Dario Canil, insegnante tra Padova e Venezia












In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno




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Tolteca by Dario Canil
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Section: Reiki Practice: The Recall,
a Powerful Tool of Second Degree Reiki





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