Reiki and Chakras
The Energy Portals/Vortices
«The First Reiki Degree is also known as the Manual Degree because it gives everyone the ability to transmit cosmic energy through the laying on of hands. In the First Degree, one learns the fundamental principles of Reiki and its basics in a single day, including the basic positions for self-treatment and the treatment of others (people, animals, or objects). A reputable course provides a theoretical framework that helps to rationally understand what will occur on an energetic level, and one experiences the four initiations.»
(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means vortex or wheel. This term refers to the energy centers in living beings that enable them to live. These are circles of light (sacred disks) that absorb universal energy, metabolize it, and distribute it throughout the physical body. At the same time, they connect the physical body with the various components of the energy bodies (aura) that surround it.
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In humans, seven main energy bodies or auras are usually distinguished, also referred to as radiations. Chakras are energy systems that connect these radiations with each other and with the external reality. The vitality and health of the physical body, as well as personal development, are connected with the degree of harmony and functionality of the chakras. All chakras are always open, but they can be more or less harmonious. There are dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of chakras arranged in a dense network where the connections and pathways of energy are called "meridians."
In the practice of Reiki, it can be useful during a treatment to focus primarily on the seven main chakras, which form an energy channel that runs along the spine from the coccyx (ano-genital area) to the top of the head. Every other point on the human body, whether it expresses relevant chakras or not, deserves to be observed and treated with the utmost care if the practitioner's intuition guides their hands there.
We are in the hands of the hands. The freer the energy flows through the chakras (the precious energy portals), the more we express health and balance. Under optimal conditions of balance, the energy flows continuously through the vortices of light. Conversely, disharmonies often manifest in one or more chakras, such as energy losses, overloads, or even real energy blockages. Such disharmonies correspond to proportional discomforts (or illnesses) on the physical, mental, or emotional level.
he conscious sensitization to energy, stimulated by the Reiki initiation (and the continuous practice of treatments), can lead anyone to perceive the chakras and give this perception an appropriate key to interpretation, a sort of reference code. The refined sensitivity and balancing energy of Reiki can then enable the Reiki practitioner to effectively act on the chakras or the associated organs, regulating the energy where it is in excess, strengthening it where it is insufficient, and freeing it where it struggles to flow.
Of the seven main chakras, two are "individual" (1st and 7th), while the other five have a front and a back aspect; the front side of the chakras is related to the person's emotional aspect, while the back side is connected to the aspect of will.
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This chakra corresponds to the "fontanelle" at the top of the head; it is also called the crown chakra and connects the person with the spirit, with the whole. A high degree of opening of this chakra (and the resulting awareness) leads to the completeness of being, to the experience of the unity of all things in creation (I know, I am in the One, in the Whole). We are multidimensional beings: Far from existing only on the physical level, we energetically extend through all levels of being, from the gross matter to the highest realities of light (Theosis).
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The "third eye," so called because it is located between the physical eyes on the forehead, or "psychic sensitivity," is the seat of complete understanding of what is perceived. It is the place of intuitive sensitivity, access to knowledge, and the recognition of true being; it is the organ that allows one to see into and beyond physical reality, even with closed eyes. To fully realize its potential, it is important that the 2nd chakra (emotions related to the mind) and the 4th chakra (authenticity of feeling), and by extension all chakras, are harmonized. (I perceive).
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The throat chakra oversees communication and the expression of one's personality in a social and cultural context. It is about bringing the inner self outward, manifesting, sharing, and communicating: content, feelings, emotions, talents, etc. (I express).
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Located in the center of the chest near the physical heart, the heart chakra is the spiritual heart center. It is the seat of perfect and unconditional love; it transforms the energies of the first three chakras into the willingness to be. The level of the heart is the inevitable passage for the spiritual development of the person: It carries the power, trust, and possibility to overcome selfishness, arrogance, and personal significance. (I love).
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The solar plexus chakra, located at the "pit of the stomach" - the solar plexus - is the chakra of vitality, desire, pure emotion, rationality, concrete action, manifestation, the will to power, and achievement. Its balance is fundamental to keeping the ego in harmony with itself and the world. The qualities it manifests when disharmonious are arrogance, haughtiness, aggressiveness, violence, manipulation, etc. It is also the seat of self-healing capabilities - in its back aspect. (I can).
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The sacral chakra, located in the region of the Hara (Tanden or Tai T'ien), 2-4 cm below the navel, is associated with reproductive aspects, the continuation of the species, and sexuality. It is the seat of personal Ki (individual energy) and is related to pleasure, creativity, beauty, instinctiveness, and emotional outbursts and is also connected to intuition. (I feel).
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Located between the anus and the genitals, it expresses the "physical will to be." The root chakra is the base, our primary connection to earthly existence. (I am in matter).
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Each of the seven chakras is usually associated with a specific energetic radiation, that is, a specific energy body.
The chakras form an extraordinary multidimensional network that connects the different dimensions that make us up.
Chakras are a kind of "vibration reducers": cosmic energies, thanks to them, can adapt to each of the vibrational planes on which we extend.
The chakras are a kind of "vibration transformers": Through them, cosmic energies can adapt to each of the vibrational levels on which we extend.
- The physical body (gross material level according to Daskalos)
- The etheric body: supplies energy to the physical body.
- The emotional or astral body (or psychic body according to Daskalos)
- The mental body (noetic level according to Daskalos)
- The causal or soul or spiritual body
- The body of the Higher Self or cosmic body
- The "I Am" body or divine body
Working with the chakras means activating or balancing these energy centers. This means that during a Reiki treatment, if necessary, you can add extra life energy to each "wheel of light" or balance the various activities of the chakras with each other.
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It is the feeling that shows you from time to time whether there are chakras that need to be balanced, which ones they are, and in what order this should be done. As a starting point, you can refer to the form of the seven-branched candelabrum (Menorah) from Jewish tradition. That is, you balance the 1st chakra with the 7th chakra (the first branch of the candelabrum is connected to the seventh), the 2nd with the 6th, the 3rd with the 5th, while you place both hands on the 4th, the spiritual heart. If you wish, you can also harmonize each of the chakras with the 4th.»
(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)
Contacts for seminars in Italy (in Italian)
Original version of this page in italian: Reiki and Chakras