Entities, Negative/Toxic Energies


Dario Canil presents the world of Entities, Negative/Toxic Energies.
How to Effectively Manage Heavy/Toxic/Negative Energies


Dario Canil: insegnante di Reiki e Sciamanismo, scrittore, ricercatore dello spirito, psicologo. In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo, Belluno, Bologna, Pordenone, Trento






How to properly manage the energies of the invisible world. First of all, it's important to clarify what is meant here by the term "negative" energies. In fact, there is no absolute positive or negative energy. What is referred to as "negative" only takes shape in relation to something else.

A downpour can ruin a wedding or a picnic but at the same time be a blessing for crops after a drought.

A gun can be used as a container for a flower, while a flower pot can become a deadly blunt object.

In these cases, the negative value is related to the negative intent applied to an object, which in itself may be neutral, like an "innocuous" flower pot. Similarly, a deadly virus is not negative in itself; it is simply a microorganism doing what every living creature does: trying to survive. But if that virus meets a human being with weakened immune defenses, then it becomes something very "negative" in relation to that person at that particular time.

With that said, we define negative energy as that which, at a given moment, can harm us if we do not pay maximum attention to it. Don Juan, the shaman-teacher of Carlos Castaneda (www.carloscastaneda.it), believes that the entire universe is predatory by nature.


Dario Canil: insegnante di Reiki e Sciamanismo, scrittore, ricercatore dello spirito, psicologo. In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo, Belluno, Bologna, Pordenone, Trento


The various forms of negative energy,
briefly outlined here:



Aggressive thoughts; Violent thoughts; Enslaving thoughts (addiction); Weakening thoughts (mocking and belittling others); Critical thoughts of superiority (judgment); Racist thoughts (powerful because collective); Mental domination thoughts; Thoughts directed with precise malevolent will: the evil eye, ritual curses, maledictions. (The evil eye, curses, and maledictions are linked to specific entities, which is why it's wise to seek help from an expert in energy cleansing.)



These are the energetic fields of people, which when positive, transmit positivity nearby, but when negative, lead to negative psychic contamination. Disappointed, frustrated, angry, depressed, stressed, and demotivated people simply emanate these qualities to everything around them.



Macchinari elettro-medicali, emettitori di forti campi elettromagnetici, antenne, linee dell’alta tensione, cellulari, luoghi e ambienti contaminati da azioni cruente (omicidi torture, violenti litigi) o dal contatto prolungato con persone sofferenti o situazioni drammatiche.



These can be human (deceased individuals) or alien (non-human) entities. They may exhibit the following characteristics: Negative entities (malevolent); Heavy entities (low spirits, not elevated); Hostile entities (those with reasons to hold a grudge against us, leading to a real battle, and it's wise to consult an expert in energy cleansing); Parasitic entities (such as the "Voladores," highly evolved inorganic beings that exert strong control—see the dedicated section on www.carloscastaneda.it). Entities belong to an infinite range of extremely varied and diverse beings called inorganic beings, as they possess consciousness but lack a physical body (an enormous advantage for acting subtly against the "unaware" human being).


Dario Canil: insegnante di Reiki e Sciamanismo, scrittore, ricercatore dello spirito, psicologo. In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo, Belluno, Bologna, Pordenone, Trento




For some forms of negativity mentioned, a serene, sober, vigilant attitude and the assumption of responsibility may be sufficient. It's also advisable to avoid situations where, even out of curiosity, one might recklessly seek trouble, as such situations can themselves channel negative energies:

  • Black masses;
  • Spiritism;
  • Tarot reading;
  • Reading energetically dubious texts;
  • Frequenting energetically heavy places;
  • Frequenting energetically heavy people;
  • Indulging in energetically heavy situations;
  • Viewing photos of ghosts, larvae, or mysterious manifestations.

For other forms of negativity, management can be very difficult. There are cases where a person sets an achievable goal and despite all efforts, the goal remains unmet. There are cases where a person has created so many negative elementals that they are completely overwhelmed by them. There are cases where (beyond any "paranoia" of the mind) inexplicable or unpleasant things happen with statistically improbable frequency.

In all these types of situations, it is wise to seek help from an expert capable of seeing and recognizing the energies involved and neutralizing them.


Book Summary - For more information, you can consult the book Manuale di Sopravvivenza Energetica (Energy Survival Manual) by Dario Canil,
available for online order:

Dario Canil, libro Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica - Vicino Bassano del Grappa Seminari e corsi di Reiki e di Sciamanismo


libro Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica presso Macrolibrarsi
libro Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica presso Giardino dei libri
e-book Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica presso Giardino dei libri
libro Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica presso AMAZON
e-book Kindle Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica presso AMAZON





Reiki Info, il sito dell'informazione sobra e completa sul Metodo Reiki, a cura di Dario Canil, insegnante tra Padova e Venezia









In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno




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Tolteca by Dario Canil
P. IVA 04350520286
Section: Facing unwanted, negative energies:
Entities, Negativity, Elementals





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