The Reiki Treatment for Animals
Treating Animal Friends with Love and Respect through Reiki
«Reiki, in harmony with the "cosmic vibration" as Universal Energy, gradually helps us to align with the original vibration and provides each person with tangible assistance in finding their own path (the specific evolutionary task of each individual) and in walking it with awareness and love. Reiki helps us to perceive the infinite messages that the external world continually offers, messages that usually escape our normal, conditioned, distracted, and lazy attention.hen.»
(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)
The Animal-Human Relationship
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Every sensitive soul knows, from experience, that communication between animals and humans is authentic, sincere, and immediate. Unlike humans, animals are not socialized to be deceitful, deceptive, unfaithful, or cruel.
Interacting with the world of animals brings us back to a dimension of purity that can bring out the best in us and comfort us, especially on an emotional level, in a remarkable way. A real affectionate relationship develops between animals and humans, and calling it love is not an exaggeration, because animals love to be loved, and humans can rely on a truly pure bond where playfulness, complicity, joy, and non-judgment nourish the soul in a wonderful way.
The Unconditional Love of Animals
In both good times and bad, animals give themselves completely. On a psycho-emotional level, animals are capable of evoking the most authentic and profound human feelings. Moreover, they give themselves unconditionally. On a spiritual level, we might define this attitude as extremely generous and elevated: it seems as if they have a mysterious "will" to take on certain illnesses, almost as if to relieve their human companion, sacrificing themselves for them.
Furthermore, thanks to the greater authenticity of animals compared to socially constrained humans, they tend to respond better to alternative forms of medicine such as homeopathy or vibrational techniques like Bach Flowers, Aura Soma, Reiki, etc.
Calm and Empathy
To properly treat an animal, we must never abandon common sense, and as with humans, we must respect the diagnoses and treatments provided by veterinarians.
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Treating animals with the Reiki method means, first and foremost, establishing the same trust during the treatment that characterizes our usual companionship.
So, even though their intuition allows them to grasp our positive intent, we must approach with great delicacy and strive for good harmony even in moments of pain.
This is not always easy because animals can sense our anxiety and concern for them, which invites us to remain as calm as possible—something that, in turn, makes everything more effective.
The Therapeutic Approach
All animals, large or small, can benefit from Reiki—for example, from horses to hamsters—our hands simply become a vehicle and amplifier of a loving intent to heal. Typically, our animal friends willingly accept Reiki energy, often showing gratitude; after all, they don’t have our prejudices or mental complications.
Animals can feel love, and they feel it very well! Their instinctive intelligence and sensitivity allow them to recognize when our hands are transmitting energy of love and healing, qualities they greatly appreciate.
When treating an animal, approach it with grace and inner calm. Observe how it responds to your hands as they approach respectfully and progressively; if it already knows you, speak to it in the loving way it’s familiar with; if it doesn’t know you, approach in the most authentic and loving way possible. In any case, speak to it, convey love through your voice as well. Speaking to animals gently and lovingly while treating them not only helps to make the healing process more effective by further conveying your intent but also helps instill calm and understanding.
Usually, the animal will indicate, in its own way, where it wants to be touched, and if you move, it may position itself in a way that invites you to place your hands where it needs them most.
Paradoxical Effect
When an animal has a wound, contusion, or sprain, you can treat the affected area with direct contact if it allows you to (by remaining calm) or at a distance, holding the area between your hands (if it shows agitation). In some cases, you will need to avoid direct contact because it can trigger a momentary sensation of increased pain (due to the concentration of the healing action) that the animal associates with your hands. However, if you hold the painful area between your hands a few centimeters away, this association is reduced. This way, you avoid the suffering animal associating your hands with increased pain, which would otherwise cause confusion. The paradoxical effect also applies to humans.
Additional Tips
Depending on how ill they are, animals tend to lie down and accept the energy, then suddenly, when they’ve had enough, they get up and walk away. Cats are particularly prone to sudden movements because they are highly sensitive animals, esoterically believed to be "suspended between two worlds." You may have noticed that a cat, even when asleep, can suddenly wake up and react in various ways to things that are mostly invisible to us. They make guttural sounds, hiss, stiffen, or simply watch something move with their eyes while we see nothing, as our senses are mostly tuned not to perceive certain subtle energies and energetic entities.
In addition to giving Reiki simply as a preventive measure when the animal is well, we can treat them primarily in cases of wounds, contusions, intoxications, poisonings, anxiety attacks, and illnesses. In any case, consult a veterinarian as soon as you notice that your animal is unwell. When the animal is fighting for survival and remains inert to gather all its strength, you can give it significant help by treating it for 10-15 minutes every hour during the 3-4 most critical hours. The energy is so precious to them that they won’t waste any of it.
So, Reiki Energy could indeed make a difference! Reiki brings relief, calms fear and anxiety, even in the extreme case where it is necessary to accompany the animal towards death.
It is advisable to perform short treatments for very small animals and to avoid direct contact with birds and fish. If the bird knows you, you can even hold it in your hands. Fish can be treated in the aquarium by placing your hands directly on the sides of the tank, intending to infuse them with great light.
Whenever possible, conclude the Reiki Treatment with loving caresses. You can also treat animals remotely if you have the Second Degree Reiki, which is a way to make them feel your presence, love, and support continuously. It’s a true spiritual connection. Make them feel in every possible way that they are not alone!»
(Dario Canil, L'Anima del Reiki)
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Original version of this page in italian: Reiki e animali