Energetic effects of Reiki attunements
The Energetic and Vibrational Effects of Reiki
Reiki is known worldwide as a "natural healing method," but while it delivers great results in this regard, its primary focus is on awareness and the drive for evolution. The transformation begins right from the attunement (initiation or activation): Reiki powerfully starts working on all levels of being.
In summary:
Reiki regulates and enhances the energy flow in all areas of your unity of body, mind, spirit, and soul.
On the physical level, Reiki initiates and supports general detoxification processes that lead to the gradual and progressive elimination of toxins; it helps combat the damage caused by air and noise pollution and poor diet; it strengthens the immune system; it helps alleviate both acute and chronic pain; it stimulates tissue regeneration and helps reactivate the functions of all organs, harmonizing the circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, and urinary systems; it helps rebalance the nervous and autonomic nervous systems, significantly contributing to a pleasant state of relaxation and muscle relaxation.
Due to powerful detoxification and energetic purification processes, you may sometimes experience slight alterations in your physical balance for a few days, such as a mild fever, mood swings, slight euphoria or dizziness, fatigue, intense and vivid dreams, and more pungent and/or colored urine.
On the emotional level, energetic rebalancing effectively counteracts the discomforts to which humans are subjected daily: STRESS, HURRY, GUILT, HECTIC PACE, FRUSTRATION, ANGER, BURDENSOME COMMITMENTS, RESPONSIBILITIES
Reiki naturally helps recognize and process old traumas, conflicts, feelings of inadequacy and guilt, to be more present, clear, authentic, and able to control and manage one's emotions appropriately and express the feelings of the moment most freely and authentically.
On the mental level, Reiki restores freshness and clarity; it helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and resolve minor fixations; it stimulates concentration during activity and relaxation during rest, the ability to "disconnect" from stressful things, and the willingness to silence the incessant, continuous inner dialogue in favor of quiet and silence.
On the spiritual level, Reiki indirectly helps through feeling, by awakening and enhancing intuitive abilities and those related to psychic sensitivity. Reiki helps tear the veil of Maya (the illusion that covers the true face of things) between Man and the reality around him, to feel things from the broader perspective of cosmic balance; thus, if it seems we are targeted by fate, or by some illness or bodily signals that were previously latent, the perspective of acceptance that Reiki offers can help us understand to what extent we are self-sabotaging, punishing ourselves, or exposing ourselves to external factors due to unconscious needs for atonement. It is a useful insight into ourselves to understand where we are now and which paths we are walking.
Reiki helps us return to 100% awareness of responsibility for how we perceive the things in our lives, and at the same time, it can help us understand the meaning of accepting the present moment. It can help us recognize when we are experiencing a transformation, a process of individual metamorphosis and profound inner growth, probably directed by the Soul, from which we should not shy away.
In the universe, there is no chance. Everything happens within a cosmic logic. Reiki helps everyone sense the infinite messages that the external world continually sends, which normally escape normal, conditioned, distracted, and lazy attention. Latent symptoms, until then maintained at great energetic cost, may then emerge but to be recognized, accepted, understood, and healed more quickly; indeed, Reiki strongly accelerates any healing process through increased awareness.
This "purification" primarily observed on the physical level is simply a reflection of much broader cleansing processes occurring in the global being of the individual. One's personal energy (Ki), to which sensitivity is refined, aligns with cosmic energy. The frequency of one's energetic vibration increases, and consequently, consciousness changes on all levels: through the heart, the unity of body, mind, spirit, and soul opens to a greater "understanding" of cosmic laws.
Acting on the heart, Reiki invites and urges us to shift our center from the 3rd chakra (Ego, will to power) to the 4th chakra (unconditional love), transforming our selfishness, personal importance, and arrogance into the quest for the total Self, the One-All, and our will to power into the power of will, intent, and realization.
The Divine Presence "I Am," the voice of the Soul, is more easily recognized within us. From the moment we receive the First Level attunement, Reiki flows within us for life!
Table of contents Reiki Levels Section
Original version of this page in italian:
Gli effetti energetici del Reiki