Rama, Fourth Symbol of the Advanced Karuna® Reiki Method




Il Metodo Avanzato Karun∆® Reiki. Vicino Padova, Bassano del Grappa, Vivenza, Verona, Venezia, Treviso, Rovigo, Ferrara, Bologna, Seminari e corsi di Reiki e di Sciamanismo





Simbolo del quarto Livello Metodo Avanzato Karuna Reiki: Rama. Il Metodo Avanzato Karun∆® Reiki. Vicino Padova, Bassano del Grappa, Vivenza, Verona, Venezia, Treviso, Rovigo, Belluno, Seminari e corsi di Reiki e di Sciamanismo


Rama is the fourth symbol of the Advanced Karuna® Reiki Method and was channeled by Kellie Ray Marine.

Rama represents a strong and balanced intertwining of feminine and masculine energy, making it useful for harmonizing relationships.

Rama helps harmonize the upper chakras with the lower chakras. By cleansing the lower chakras through deep grounding in the soothing energy of the Earth, it allows negative energies to leave the body. Rama enables the higher consciousness of the upper chakras to manifest in the physical world, helping you become more present, clear, focused, and alert. It also invites you to release the fear of success and failure, stimulating clarity and channeling the creativity of higher consciousness through your entire system, enabling you to manifest your goals in the physical world.

Rama enhances your awareness of inner strength and joy for life, promoting determination and the ability to complete tasks. It fosters a sense of responsibility and combats low self-esteem. Rama assists you in taking the first step toward your goals and staying focused throughout the entire process so that you can successfully complete what you start.

Rama helps cleanse a room of negative energies. You can prepare or purify your healing space by visualizing Rama in the center of the room and at the four corners of the ceiling and floor. This grounds the room and allows any negative energy that has accumulated to flow away, while simultaneously allowing positive energies from above to fill it. Another method is to trace Rama in the center of the room, imagining it filling the entire space; while doing so, focus on the intention to clear the environment of any heavy energy and replace it with the purest spiritual love. This is particularly effective at conferences or discussion groups where ideas are exchanged, as it brings clarity and grounding.

Rama is excellent for concluding a Reiki treatment. During a spiritual healing session, the person often leaves their body (or their awareness shifts from the physical body to the subtle bodies, such as the astral body); while out of the body, they may receive new insights and guidance about their situation, although this may not always be consciously recognized. Rama can be used at the end of a session to bring the person back into their body, grounding them and helping them become aware of these insights so that they can act on them. Rama is grounding and is perfect for finishing a treatment.

Rama is also great for cleansing and charging stones and crystals.


Il Metodo Avanzato Karun∆® Reiki. Vicino Padova, Bassano del Grappa, Vivenza, Verona, Venezia, Treviso, Rovigo, Ferrara, Bologna, Seminari e corsi di Reiki e di Sciamanismo



«Between you and the Self, there is only a thought.
How much you believe in that thought determines the extent of your unhappiness.»

(Dario Canil, Tu Sei Magia, Mondadori)




Official list of accredited and authorized Masters
to teach the Advanced Karuna® Reiki Method in Italy



Il manuale ufficiale del Metodo: Karuna Reiki: la via della compassione. Un libro di Dario Canil.  Vicino Padova, Bassano del Grappa, Vivenza, Verona, Venezia, Treviso, Rovigo, Belluno, Seminari e corsi di Reiki e di Sciamanismo

Discover the Official Manual of the Advanced Karuna® Reiki (in italian)


Calendar of Reiki and Shamanism Seminars in Dolo,
between Padova, Vicenza, Rovigo, Venezia, Treviso e Verona


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Il Simbolo Karuna® Reiki Rama


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In Veneto, seminari Reiki tra Padova, Vicenza, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Bassano del Grappa, Rovigo e Belluno




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Section: Advanced Karuna® Reiki:
Rama Symbol





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